31May 2018  . . .  Goodbye peace pagodas . . . the robot’s tragic tale . . . the helicopter reaches out . . .   shell suits you? . . . Mistaken identity . . .  . . blindfold learning – kind or cruel? . . . Leptis Magna tipped for Cheeseborough . . . 

announcement30 May 2018THE SECOND POST, SIDCUP ANALYTICAThe Second Post joins forces with Sidcup Analytica

Following six months of negotiations The Second Post is proud to announce it has signed a major deal with Sidcup Aanalytica, the centre-leaning think tank.

‘This promises to be a rich collaboration,’ said Mr Aram Manukian, Chairman & CEO of The Second Post. ‘The world-renowned policy and analysis group draws on some of the finest brains from some of the South East’s prestigious polytechnics. We are proud to be chosen by them to dissemminate their output.’

Sidcup Analytica’s prestige UK head office

The collaboration is already bearing fruit. According to Mr Manoukian Sidcup Analytica’s first report for The Second Post will be published in its next issue. Dr Sheldon Wooddcock, Director of the Sidcup Group says its British Population Study conucted over a four month period last year is profoundly shocking and will have far reaching consequence for future Governments of any complexion

You have just entered a premium area of The Second Post which is reserved exclusively for members of our Polo Lounge Club. 
The Club offers subscribers full access to the website plus use of all Club facilities including spa, nail parlour and tanning suite and, of course, our famous Polo Lounge, Chukka Bar and Ambassadors Dining Room where our members can relax and take the opportunity to mingle with our international clientele of high net worth individuals from the fields of high finance, entertainment and the professions.
The waiting list for membership is currently two and a half years. In addition to the deposit of one thousand guineas we ask for two references from people of substance and quality. Application forms are available from the Club’s receptionist between 6.00pm and 11.00pm every weekday evening.

quote of the day25 May 2018CYCLING, LONDON ‘I’d no sooner ride a bicycle in London than go barefoot to a shire horses disco.’

Lord Croftdown, Centre Party Transport spokesman


25 May 2018buddhism, pagodas,

Buddhist students are to stage a protest at York College, Cambridge prompted by a motion in a forthcoming Shuyler Society debate which proposes that ‘Peace pagodas around the country should be demolished because they are obviously not working.’


2.15 Stanford Bridge: Sleepy Lagoon
3.10 Greenham: Chomsky
2.50 Steeple Weston: Danny Deever

Do it right and you are Becker, you are Beckham; do it wrong and you are Tom – after Jerry has given him the exploding cigar


3.15  Royston  Doolittle Daisy
2.00  Tenby  Eric Dolphy
2.20 Cheeseborough  Leptis Magna

 NEWS 28 May 2018 HELICOPTER, RESCUE, TECHNOLOGY Last week’s air trials of a revolutionary helicopter-born device to rescue people from near vertical locations have been ‘very positive’ according to TCR Aviation Group of Southampton. The Kummel Apparatus which features a carbon fibre telescopic boom which  permits the lateral 

recovery of people from cliffs, mountainsides and tall buildings. 



Come in Stephen Bercow your time is up


Labourhood Watch, the hardcore group of  ‘Continuity Labour Party’ activists formed to counter the depradations of the Momentum jihadis has announced that it will have its first annual conference in Barnsbury, North London in the last week of August.

obituary21 May 2018education, crueltyDIANA ROBERTS Educationist whose pioneering blindfold learning techniques produced startling results
When a young teacher at a small comprehensive school in Northumberland published the results of her extraordinary experiment, the educational establishment were in turn bewilderred, outraged and adulatory. As a means of focusing concentration by excluding all stimuli but sound.

You have just entered a premium area of The Second Post which is reserved exclusively for members of our Polo Lounge Club. 
The Club offers subscribers full access to the website plus use of all Club facilities including spa, nail parlour and tanning suite and, of course, our famous Polo Lounge, Chukka Bar and Ambassadors Dining Room where our members can relax and take the opportunity to mingle with our international clientele of high net worth individuals from the fields of high finance, entertainment and the professions.
The waiting list for membership is currently two and a half years. In addition to the deposit of one thousand guineas we ask for two references from people of substance and quality. Application forms are available from the Club’s receptionist between 6.00pm and 11.00pm every weekday evening.

QUIZ 12 May 2018 quiz, perplexus PERPLEXUS: ANSWERS TO QUIZ NUMBER 211

At@turk (H-99) Overwrought iron (D-62) Deaf as a post office (M-77) Bricks and mortadella (Z-7) Celtic tigerskin (K-56) 

Category3 May 2018STARTERS, SHELLFISH, SOUP Prawnskin Bisque

Discarded prawn shells must never be thrown away. Our Chelsea fishmonger, the estimable David Toddle (a very dear friend) always sells the very best shellfish so one doesn’t want to waste a thing! So boil the shells in water with seasoning, white wine, sherry or brandy (or, indeed, sherry and brandy); tomato paste or crushed tomatoes and spring onions.  Allow to cool then boil it all up again, strain and add an extra splash of sherry or brandy and, of course, some cream. Given the works like this the shells provide just as much pleasure as their recently departed occupants.
(Taken from Jacaranda Finch’s High Cooking, the No-nonsense Book of Haute Cuisine Ravelin Books £7.99)

NEXT WEEK:  Ox tongue posset


art26 May 2018
ART, trafalgar square, Fourth Plinth, sculpture

Next week will see  a bronze sculpture of ‘ULAN 3c7’, the first transgender robot hoisted on to the fourth plinth in Trafalgar Square. The choice is believed to be a consequence of widespread criticism of the National Portrait Gallery’s failure around diversity issues because no members of the robot community were represented in its permanent collection.

‘True freedom is working for somebody else’ 

– Reggie Peplow


‘Brexit was  the biggest senior moment in our nation’s history.’

Adam Bell, Policy Studio

join the debate15 May 2018
guns, children, schools

At what age should  US children be allowed to take guns into school:  15, 10 or 7 years?

Have your say!

LETTERS9 May 2018
crime, high harm, mcmafia

Dear Sir, I disagree with Geoff Cannon (10 Mar). High Harm is much creepier than the McMafia the TV series because that was just about gangsters doing horrible stuff to each other which is sort of fine. But High Harm is about how high end criminals suborn the state – and threaten you and me. Paul Stanhoff, Bristol

OPINIOn 5 May 2018
FILMS, SOCIETYFollowing last Monday’s acrimonious on-set row at Dagenham Studios during the filming of Summer Haze, Sebastian Wellesley tells Tamsin Duluth makes about his struggle for more working class parts to be given to upper-class actors. ‘It’s grossly unfair for us all to be stereo-typecast in this

You have just entered a premium area of The Second Post which is reserved exclusively for members of our Polo Lounge Club. 
The Club offers subscribers full access to the website plus use of all Club facilities including spa, nail parlour and tanning suite and, of course, our famous Polo Lounge, Chukka Bar and Ambassadors Dining Room where our members can relax and take the opportunity to mingle with our international clientele of high net worth individuals from the fields of high finance, entertainment and the professions.
The waiting list for membership is currently two and a half years. In addition to the deposit of one thousand guineas we ask for two references from people of substance and quality. Application forms are available from the Club’s receptionist between 6.00pm and 11.00pm every weekday evening.

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