31 Apr 2018  . . . Trouble may be looming on campus for the Snowflake Ball . . . more High Cooking from Jacaranda . . .  Russia and the lying game . . .  those tell-tale digital habits . . . new crimes against humanity . . . football’s dirty secret . . . 

refugee crisis, mediterranean

‘Hearts are going out all over Europe’

J D Daley on the refugee crisis.

FEATURES24 Apr 2018

A novel partnership between celebrity  fashion designer Bella Berlinsky and a well-known dog breeder suggests that we will soon be seeing dogs on the catwalk. Tamsin Duluth reveals how dog breeders are collaborating with fashion designers  to coordinate textile design with the canine fur tones of popular  breeds for the supremely co-ordination-conscious fashionistas.


16 Apr 2018WARFARE, Chemical weapons, MEDIA, YORK COLLEGE, 

‘Our view of chemical weapons is being distorted by ‘pictorial relativism’ according to Borg Petersen, Professor of Modern Warfare at York College, Oxford. In a controversial lecture on Friday, the Professor said that media organisations are deploying a flawed logic when they show footage of adults and children victims suffering in the immediate aftermath of a chemical weapons attack but never broadcast or publish images of victims wounded by conventional ordinance such as bombs and shells unless they are dressed and bandaged.

QUIZ 20 Apr 2018 quiz, perplexus PERPLEXUS: ANSWERS TO QUIZ NUMBER 211

MAY 1 Yeoman of the web (L-6) The first refuge of a scoundrel (Y-44) The weak in Westminster (A-97) Rock baroque ‎(Q-9) Boots in the sky (K-67) Grouse crop (U-53)

NEWS13 Apr 2018SPORT, CRICKET, CHEATING,  BALL TAMPERING, FOOTBALLA leading football club manager has shocked fans with his response to cricket’s ball tampering scandal when he spoke of  ‘football’s dirty little secret’. He said the practice had been a feature of the beautiful game at every level for years. Known as ‘scurfing’ the most common method involved sandpaper but various ‘substances’ were also used.

‘Well, Mark, he made you look a bit of an idiot.’ But I knew I would soon be boasting about the day I fought Hirotaka Okada, twice champion of the whole flipping world




‘People need to learn to show some tolerance for the intolerant; they too need their own safe spaces.’

Kimberly Cruse makes a special plea in Monday’s The Second Post.

NEWS 6 Apr 2018 SNOWFLAKE, UNIVERSITY, STUDENTS A ‘culturally appropriated fancy dress competition’ will be among the attractions of a Snowflake Summer Ball being organised by students at York College, Oxford. The committee also promises a Snowflake of the Year Awards ceremony to include a Roll-call of Honour of victims who have been no-platformed with a reading of their offending texts. The UKs least pc comedian Kenny Hawes tops the bill and a Miss Oxford University Competition, ‘open to any gender-rigid female with a bikini and the slightest connection with the university or the town’. They promise a banquet-style menu which will include a number of endangered species.


Syntax avoidance or evasion? It is still not clear exactly how the above was allowed to happen. Some say the horror must have been committed by an overseas employer at Transport for London, but this is unlikely – they usually get the grammar right when the native born seldom do. Suffice it to say for several years this brutal solepsism has been inflicting untold suffering on commuters and visitors alike at a number of underground stattions. We say enough is enough. The time for action by TFL has come.

OBITUARY19 Apr 2018OBITUARY, GRAPHOLOGYJEAN WILBERFORCE, Graphologist who produced character analysis from digital behaviour
Those who predicted that the decline of handwriting  would bring about the end of the graphologists art were only partly right as Jean Wilberforce proved. The former PA from the financial services industry was convinced that there was information to be harvested about character traits from a subject’s keyboard use especially if augmented by a video of them in the act of writing. So while being deprived of much of the information yielded through the formation of character – not a character forming experience – she gained through the pace, rhythm and approached yielded by the subject’s stops and starts. Wilberforce reasoned that everything from keyboard posture to the way the shift bar was used and other seemingly innocuous tics and habits  were all indicative of

You have just entered a premium area of The Second Post which is reserved exclusively for members of our Polo Lounge Club. 
The Club offers subscribers full access to the website plus use of all Club facilities including spa, nail parlour and tanning suite and, of course, our famous Polo Lounge, Chukka Bar and Ambassadors Dining Room where our members can relax and take the opportunity to mingle with our international clientele of high net worth individuals from the fields of high finance, entertainment and the professions.
The waiting list for membership is currently two and a half years. In addition to the deposit of one thousand guineas we ask for two references from people of substance and quality. Application forms are available from the Club’s receptionist between 6.00pm and 11.00pm every weekday evening.

quote of the day12 Apr 2018salisbury, chemical weapons, RUSSIA, propaganda 

‘It is said that Russia is winning the war of words over the Salisbury poisonings. Far from it – they have merely fired more shots.’

Dr John Chen of York College, Oxford

opinion88 Apr 2018


‘True, we have some minor cultural differences. They cut people’s heads off with knives; we blow their heads off with bombs.’

Ludo James Professor of Security Studies at York College Oxford argues that the Islamist bombers so often accused of being cowardly in their attacks on soft targets in the West are braver than the pilots of Western warplanes who bomb Islamist targets from a safe height leaving innocent civilians dead and maimed as well as enemy combatants.  In a seminar at the College last weekend on the Rules of War in the age of Jihad James also took issue with the notion that it was a crime to shoot pilots who had baled out of their aircraft. ‘How can it make sense for a pilot to be immune from attack by the very people he has just mutilated, widowed and orphaned?’


5 Apr 2018


Students at the University of West Spalding are protesting about a statement by Colin Diment of the Institute for Economic Advancement who has called for a dramatic reversal of current policy for the repayment of tuition fees. ‘I want any graduate who isn’t earning at least £40,000 within five years of leaving college to pay extra interest on their student loan,’ says Diment.  If they can’t earn that by then they should never have come to university in the first place.’ 


2 Apr 2018


GAVIN BEWLAY Conductor and composer with a controversial sense of showmanship

It was a precocious young Scottish conductor who first broke from the traditional concert presentation.  Bewlay would begin an evening by signalling the individual musicians and sections of the orchestra to introduce themselves with virtuosi flourishes which was reminiscent of the 20th Century big band era. It enraged the purists and delighted young concertgoers who

You have just entered a premium area of The Second Post which is reserved exclusively for members of our Polo Lounge Club. 
The Club offers subscribers full access to the website plus use of all Club facilities including spa, nail parlour and tanning suite and, of course, our famous Polo Lounge, Chukka Bar and Ambassadors Dining Room where our members can relax and take the opportunity to mingle with our international clientele of high net worth individuals from the fields of high finance, entertainment and the professions.
The waiting list for membership is currently two and a half years. In addition to the deposit of one thousand guineas we ask for two references from people of substance and quality. Application forms are available from the Club’s receptionist between 6.00pm and 11.00pm every weekday evening.

FOOD & WINE 27 Apr 2008
This is an intriguing little variation on traditional scrambled eggs which our dear, dear friend Omar serves at his delightful boutique hotel in the Southern Atlas. He always insists on making it himself for us as we are his ‘favourite guests’.
Beat the eggs together in the normal way adding more than a good splash of vinegar and leaving standing while you lightly brown some garlic in the saucepan with seasoning. Pour in the egg mixture and stir over a gentle heat until creamy. Serve on pieces of diagonally cut toast with the theme from Lawrence of Arabia.  Yes, I know it’s a long way from Morocco but I find it preferable to Jerry’s choice of Wilson, Betty & Kepple doing The Sand Dance.  Incidentally if you have trouble scrambling the eggs Jerry suggests that you place the bowl in front of your television screen when the lovely Allegra Stratton comes on to clarify some complicated political issue. He finds that usually does the trick!
(Taken from Jacaranda Finch’s High Cooking, the No-nonsense Book of Haute Cuisine Ravelin Books £7.99)
NEXT WEEK:  Foie Gras Jerky


21 Apr 2018RUSSIA, DIPLOMACY, ASSASSINATION, NOVICHOK, DISINFORMATIONIf you ever believed that the Russian State was innocent of the attempted murder of the Skripal father and daughter in Salisbury should just listen to Russia, A State of Denial on Central Radio tonight .  Producer Doug Chivers and his team have assembled a glorious parade of defiant Soviet and post-Soviet denials, protestations, clodhopping explanations and counterclaims. It is the sheer mass of fibbery clips following incidents ranging from Georgi Markov’s umbrella murder in 1978 to the invasion of Eastern Ukraine and the recent Salisbury assassination attempt which makes this programme  both comic and emphatically damning.


Trending this week . . .

‘Tulip prices still going bonkers,’  records one tweet, ‘and still no sign of a slowdown in any of the Dutch garden centres’.

‘It is the custom in most countries for organised crime to be organised by the police’ 

– Prof Glyn Owen



‘If one is looking for examples of egregious unfairness one might start by asking what has the Royal Opera House ever done for the Traveller Community?
Patricia Evans, Editor of 


JOHN CARNWORTH  Popular entrepreneurial engineer who transformed his company’s fortunes with the production of the first domestic scale cherry-picker lift. A chance meeting with a fellow engineer lead to John Carnworth developing a piece of equipment which met a requirement for something less than scaffolding but something more than an elaborate step ladder.

You have just entered a premium area of The Second Post which is reserved exclusively for members of our Polo Lounge Club. 
The Club offers subscribers full access to the website plus use of all Club facilities including spa, nail parlour and tanning suite and, of course, our famous Polo Lounge, Chukka Bar and Ambassadors Dining Room where our members can relax and take the opportunity to mingle with our international clientele of high net worth individuals from the fields of high finance, entertainment and the professions.
The waiting list for membership is currently two and a half years. In addition to the deposit of one thousand guineas we ask for two references from people of substance and quality. Application forms are available from the Club’s receptionist between 6.00pm and 11.00pm every weekday evening.


4 Apr 218Tags, automatically uppercaseBig red text leading to more content…with small caps… and other goodies


2.20  Watham Forest  Sartorius
3.30  Arbroath  Parsival
2.15  Kingsbridge  Liquidity Puts

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