comment 7 January 2020nadia whittome
Thus Spake Sara Thruster!
This week: Sarah on . . . Nadia The Righteous
I see that the former schoolgirl, Nadia Whittome, ‘Baby of the House’ and self-appointed nincompoop has lashed out at the Government. Britain’s youngest MP whines, ‘You know what I think is really unkind, the fact that hundreds of thousands of people have died at the hands of this government’s austerity policies.’ But she doesn’t mention a shocking secret closer to home.
Mass burial in the Balkans in the 1990s
Nadia’s own constituents have been dying like flies while she enjoys her salary of £80,000 plus.
14 January 2020
MEDIA, TELEVISION, ETHICSA leaked email including a section headed ‘Six Ways to Make People Cry On Television’ has provoked fury among several viewers’ pressure groups. The email, from a production director’s office to the editorial staff of a Scottish production company, also revealed that
Sources close to the Buckingham Palace say that following two years of pressure from the general public Dame Mary Berry will become an official member of Royal Family in the New Year. ‘With Harry and the Sussex girl Megan off the pitch, it’s all about keeping up the numbers,’ said one Palace insider The 1936 Act of Co-option passed after the abdication was
TOMORROW: Prof Ted Peasley examines an injustice committed by the BBC which, for decades, has allowed a pair of elderly privileged white women to maintain a stranglehold over the presentation of Woman’s Hour. Read him this weekend in The Second Post.
26 April 2020politics, debate
The Way I See It
Horace Edgerley opines
‘As I considered the political situation laid out before me, I have been minded to coin a phrase which i think rather neatly sums up the predicament of our rulers: They are falling into the trap of over-promising and under-delivering.’
So says our insightful political columnist Horace Edgerly. Read him tomorrow: ONLY IN THE SECOND POST!
quote of the day
‘They may say it was Brexit, or antisemitism, or a comically unrealistic economic policy but in truth the majority of voters sensed that if push came to shove and the country faced an external threat Corbyn would neither push nor shove.’
E J Barton, historian
15 January 2020 SPORT, BOXING, MMA, passivity
A fighter receives a passivity warning
FEARFUL of the growing popularity of MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) the governing bodies of boxing are urgently their rules. One new proposal is to reduce a fighter’s purse by a percentage each time he is awarded a passivity penalty. ‘This would sharpen up a lot of lacklustre contests,’ said
2.15 Stanford: Factory Settings
3.10 Greenham: Short Circuit
2.50 Steeple Weston: Going Forward
23 January 2020
excess, food, restaurants
‘Le Caviar’ from Le Comptoir Robuchon, London
‘When the barn doors are flung open to let out the tumbrils it will almost certainly have been triggered by a particularly egregious issue of the Weekend Financial Times.’ Owen Dunlop in tomorrow’s The Second Post
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